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Invisalign Adelaide: Is Invisalign Right For You?

Many dental insurance plans cover Invisalign Adelaide; you can even use your flexible spending or health savings accounts to pay for it.

Instead of using metal train tracks, Invisalign utilises clear plastic trays that fit over your teeth to gradually shift them to where they should be. Results and treatment time depend on compliance with wearing the trays as much as desired – the more often you wear them, the faster they’ll work!

Invisalign AdelaideWhat is Invisalign?

Invisalign Adelaide is an invisible brace that uses clear plastic aligner trays to straighten your teeth and is an efficient and cost-effective solution for many common alignment issues, including overbites, underbites, the crookedness of teeth and more.

At the outset of treatment, an initial treatment plan must be established, along with taking 3D digital images of your mouth to make a custom set of aligners that should be worn consistently (except for eating or drinking) to obtain optimal results.

Once you begin wearing your new aligners, they may cause temporary discomfort; however, this should usually subside after only a day or two. Plus, as they’re removable trays, you can take them off when eating and cleaning your teeth.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign utilises clear aligners designed specifically for each patient’s teeth to alter their positioning gradually. Crafted with BPA-free plastic material, they’re nearly undetectable when worn.

Your dentist may customise your aligners with attachments that help them grip and move your teeth more effectively. Your orthodontist may attach small tooth-coloured pieces to specific parts of your jawline for effective gripping and movement during the alignment process.

Your aligners should be worn for 22-24 hours daily, only being removed to eat, drink and perform oral hygiene. New trays will periodically replace them until your smile has been straightened to your satisfaction.

How Long Will Invisalign Take?

No definitive answer can be given as each patient’s Invisalign treatment time varies—patients needing mild crowding relief typically complete treatment in about a year or less.

As it’s more difficult to spread out teeth than move them closer together, severe cases of crowding will take more time for treatment. Furthermore, having particularly crooked teeth could also lengthen this timeline.

Compliance can have an enormous effect on the duration of an Invisalign treatment. Wearing their aligners for at least 20-22 hours per day and only taking them off to eat and clean will allow their aligners to function effectively – otherwise, treatment will take much longer than anticipated.

How Much Will Invisalign Cost?

The cost of Invisalign Adelaide will depend on the severity and other factors related to tooth misalignment. Consulting a dentist or orthodontist will assist in developing your treatment plan and costs.

Receiving Invisalign treatments at dental schools often comes out less expensive since students work under professional dentist supervision during treatment sessions there.

Will Invisalign Work for Me?

Invisalign is an increasingly popular option among adults. As a discreet treatment that doesn’t resemble traditional braces, Invisalign may appeal to many; however, not everyone finds this treatment successful.

One drawback of Invisalign is its requirement that patients wear their trays for 22 hours per day, though when eating and drinking, the trays must be removed to prevent food particles and liquid from seeping into them and leading to tooth decay. Furthermore, taking off these trays may cause discomfort, but this issue can be overcome with time and perseverance.

The severity of your smile issues and the amount of movement needed to correct them will determine whether Invisalign can help you or if more advanced orthodontic procedures are required. Severe overbites, for example, aren’t easily fixed with this type of treatment. Instead, orthodontists will use more advanced orthodontic techniques to straighten the jaw and correct the overbite.

Invisalign requires patients to wear their clear trays for at least 20 hours per day, with 22 being preferable. You also must remove them when you eat and drink anything other than water (because food can stain the trays). Additionally, you will need to rinse or brush your trays each time before you put them back in your mouth, as bacteria builds up and can cause them to smell.